Hemp and Marijuana both derive from the Cannabis Sativa plant family. Cannabis refers to a group of three plants: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. These plants can be harvested into what is commonly known as weed and or Marijuana. Cannabis consists of hundreds of compound but the two dominant ones are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). THC is the psychoactive compound that results in a “high” or altered state of mind. Contrastingly, CBD is the non-psychoactive compound that does not affect your state of mind but has helped with pain and other medical issues.
Although Hemp and Marijuana derive from the Cannabis plant family, the biological structure of Marijuana is completely different than Hemp, resulting in drastic differences. Each plant has crucial differences in their chemical composition. The main distinction between hemp and marijuana is the levels of THC. Hemp contains a very low concentration of THC, typically 0.3% or less. On the other hand, Marijuana typically contains THC levels anywhere between 15%-40%.
Due to the levels of THC, Hemp is grown primarily for industrial purposes such as making herbal supplements, beauty products, oils, food, etc., while Marijuana is grown for recreational, spiritual, and medicinal purposes.